Most cell phones #emit both electromagnetic fields and microwaves which over a long period of time can be harmful to humans when exposed. Most #cellphones are designed to reduce this #magnetic #waves. It's not always easy to determine how much #radiation is produced, but you can sort out ways to #protect yourself from such radiation #exposure. There is a multitude of evidence that suggests #children, because of their skull's thickness and developing brains when exposed were found to be the most #vulnerable to cancer risk.
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"What is EMF Shields #emfdefinition #emfmeaning?"
Electromagnetic shielding, #emfshields, or #emfshielddevice is the process of reducing the magnetic waves or blocking radio frequency #electromagnetic radiation.
On the other hand, most #emfshieldfabric sold helps reduce these harmful magnetic waves but does not block it.
Nowadays there are #fashionable ways to protect yourself from harmful radiation. Technology has become the #future of #fashion. Look at this stunning example of an anti-radiation case for #iPhone.
"EMF Shielding Devices"
What do you get?
Protect yourself from potentially harmful radiation. Simply snap your phone into the dent-resistant bumper cradle. Safe Sleeve Cases are available for smartphones, tablets, ipads, and laptops supporting most popular brands like Samsung, and Apple. A huge range of cellphone accessories are supported i.e magnetic desk stands, magnetic car mounts, belts porches, and holster and anti-radiation air tube headphones set with microphone.
“Which institute Governs Laws regarding RF emissions? "
All countries have a Communications Commission that regulates the set limit on #radiofrequency #emission. For the purpose of this article and the products been promoted, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US governs laws regarding RF Emissions.
"Global Facts to Remember"
The estimated number of people living or #worldpopulation reached 7.7 billion. From the 7.7 billion, it is estimated that in the world there are;
3.50 Billion smartphone users
45.12 % of people have smartphones
4.78 Billion mobile phone users (incl. smart & feature phones)
61.62 % of people own mobile phones (incl. smart & feature phones)
Source: Bank My Cell
All electronic devices emit radiation
Average Age of the First #smartdevice is 10 Years Old
Read the fine print for warnings from Manufacturers
"How to Protect Yourself from Everyday RF emissions"
The first thoughts come to mind where you say how do I do this cause I'm surrounded by electromagnetic waves and radio frequencies on a daily bases. We can however improve our exposure simply by adhering to some basic safety guides and tips
Try to minimize #smartdevice #interaction when at home especially after an exhausting day at work by turning on #airplanemode and enjoying time with #family.
Business Professionals are required to be #online most of the time so an investment in Safe Sleeve Cases will be advised.
Make use of your phones #speaker and avoid direct contact with #skin. Video calls and Whats App #video calls where the phone is kept at minimal #distance from the skin.
As much as possible - keep phones out of #pockets and #clothing
Refrain children from extensive #electronic use. Set pre-scribed times when they can use their #smartdevices
Make use of a #corded phone when accessible like back in the day.
This one I'm pretty much guilty of - avoid using your #laptop or #tablet on your #lap for long periods.
Alternatively, you can SHOP SafeSleeve Anti-Radiation Cases to ensure you and your family are protected.
SafeSleeve's EMF shielding device technology has been approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), tested and accredited independent lab to block over 99% of RF radiation and 92% of ELF radiation emitted by #electronicdevices. The #cellphonecase also includes a built-in #RFID blocking wallet and turns into a stand, all in one lightweight and convenient case.
SafeSleeve has a very modern looking website, easy to navigate around and packed with tons of insightful information regarding EMF Shielding. Their products are of superior quality and incorporate trending and stylish designs. I highly recommend you visit their website when you ready to take Anti-Radiation seriously.
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